The Princess, The Toad & The Whale is a lovably cute story for young children that features three of the most unlikely friends and traveling companions. The Princess, The Toad & The Whale is the first book in what will become a series of adventures and further adventures. In The Princess, The Toad & The Whale the reader is introduced to each adorable character and they will also get to experience a “mini” first adventure. Not only can children enjoy this book, its story and fun illustrations but they can also learn that friends come in different colors, shapes, and sizes. They can even see that when a situation seems scary, if they give it some time, they might discover there is nothing to be fearful of. The Princess, The Toad & The Whale can be a great bonding experience for the parents who like to read to their children or a fun story for the child who is learning to read or has already mastered reading.
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